If you have gone through a deployment or even a shorter separation you know you will have good deployment days and bad ones. Some mornings you will wake up ready to take on the world and others you will wonder how you will make it until lunchtime.
Deployments are like this. It’s their nature.
They are stressful and can be difficult to figure out how to get through them.
Since we all have bad deployment days, what can we do?
Here are some military spouse memes that can help you during a difficult deployment day:

It can be way too easy to feel like your life is horrible or that it will always be that way during a bad deployment day. Remember, deployments don’t last forever and you will not always have to be missing your spouse.

Sometimes you will have to just take the deployment an hour at a time. Other times you will be rocking things and the weeks will fly by.

Deployments are the hard part but you go through them because they are a part of being married to your spouse.

Find friends and your favorite drink. Tomorrow is another day! And you can do all of this virtually if you need to. Technology has come a long way!

Deployments can be a great time to reflect on the years you have been together.

During bad deployment days, remind yourself why your spouse signed up for the military and what they are fighting for.

The end is the hardest but you are strong and you can get through it all!

Kick that deployment’s butt! You are strong! Remember that!

Know that it is okay to say deployments suck. That just means you love and miss your spouse.

Military life will make you stronger. If you don’t feel you are strong, you will get there.

Remember your love. It can take you far. Especially on those difficult deployment days.

Having a bad deployment day doesn’t mean you don’t support your spouse. They happen.

You will never forget these things. Those feelings might fade after time but you will always remember the day they came home and wonderful that feeling was.

There are different ways to handle deployment. Never judge another spouse because she is handling things a little differently. That just makes things harder for the spouse that is already feeling less-than.

So very true Charles Dickens, so very true.

We are military spouses and deployments are what we do. Thank goodness for all the support!

The deployment ache is the worst! If you are feeling that ache, know that you are not alone.

Yes, family time is important and most people know that. However, you really understand how important that time is when you have to go months or even years without it.

What’s in your military spouse toolkit?

Margaritas are a great choice!

What we have to be made of 🙂

Remembering this helps. All couples have difficult times. Deployments could be yours.

Know that your spouse loves you, even from across the ocean…

You will have good deployment days and bad ones. When you are having a good one, make the best of the day. When you are having a bad one, know that tomorrow will be a better day…

Military life can be hard because being a spouse means the military has to sometimes come first. Know that you are first in their heart.

Finding peace can be a great goal. You might not get there every day but find things that make you happy and that will help.

Remember, at the end of all this, when the deployment is over, you will be waiting for them to return and know that you made it through a deployment and anything that comes your way.
Are you going through a deployment right now? Need a little bit of extra support? Join me in my Facebook group 🙂
Last Updated on January 17, 2024 by Writer
Lemon Stand
Haven’t we been here before? 🙂 Wish I had started blogging again during this last looooonnnngggg deployment. So happy you are helping us even now. There are so few I recognize anymore, but a chance to make new friends too, which is always fabulous. We’re over the thirty year mark so they will probably be dragging the husband to the gate at the very last minute so a few more years left. Will check back again often!