Military life can be a crazy ride. From deployments to PCSing every few years, this life isn’t without its struggles. Some days we wish we had a magic wand to make everything a little easier.
So let’s have some fun…here are 9 things you wish were true about military life:
- That every deployment came with a nanny
Let’s face it, us military spouses can get burned out really quickly when it comes to solo parenting. What if every military family received a nanny with deployment orders? That would make life so much easier!
- That you could use a “Get out of deployment free” card
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get out of a deployment because it wasn’t the right time, or your kids were too young, or because you just didn’t think you could handle another deployment with everything going on? The reality is, there is never a good time for
- That you could PCS somewhere simply because your BFF did
Wouldn’t that be amazing? Your BFF went to Fort Carson, which means you get to go there, too. How fun would that be?
- That ALL military housing was nice, safe, and you wanted to live in it
- That your spouse could get leave when they needed to, and planning family vacations would be easier
Have you ever had to change the dates of a trip because of the Army? We sure have. If only leave dates could be taken at the perfect time, and could never be changed.
- That every FRG meeting would be filled with information you need to know with zero drama
Some FRGs are amazing but a lot of them get a bad rap, and maybe for good reason. Wouldn’t it be nice if the FRG was always a fun place to go, with lots of great information, and without any drama? Maybe us military spouses do have the power to change the FRG into a good and helpful place for military spouses to go 🙂
- That you could always shop at the Commissary on payday without the crowds
What if you never had to wait more than a few minutes, even if you do go to the Commissary on payday? That would be nice!
- That it would be easy to make friends no matter where you go
Making friends during military life can be a little bit frustrating sometimes. Yes, you have to get out there but sometimes that isn’t enough. What if making friends was easy, no matter who you are, and where your PCS to?
- That all the challenges when it comes to military spouse employment would go away
There are so many spouses who have to put their careers on hold or pursue something different because they are married to someone in the military. What if these challenges could go away? What if things were a little bit easier regarding a military spouse and their own career?
This list can be a lot of fun and hopefully make you laugh a little, but the reality is that there are things you can do to change and make military life a little better for your family and others.
Be kind. Make friends. Work for changes. And don’t be afraid to figure out a way to make things a little better for everyone.
What about you? What would you want to change if you had the power to do so?