*I received a free copy of this book in hope of a review on my blog! This post includes affiliate links!
I just finished the book Expats by Chris Pavone. I don’t read a lot of mystery but I did love this one. When I was about halfway through I found myself only wanting to read it and didn’t want to put it down.
Can we ever escape our secrets?
In the cobblestoned streets of Luxembourg, Kate Moore’s days are filled with playdates and coffee mornings, her weekends spent in Paris and skiing in the Alps. But Kate is also guarding a tremendous, life-defining secret—one that’s become so unbearable that it begins to unravel her newly established expat life. She suspects that another American couple are not who they claim to be; her husband is acting suspiciously; and as she travels around Europe, she finds herself looking over her shoulder, increasingly terrified that her own past is catching up with her. As Kate begins to dig, to uncover the secrets of the people around her, she finds herself buried in layers of deceit so thick they threaten her family, her marriage, and her life.
When I started the book I wasn’t sure where it was taking me. The book goes back and forth between different time periods which at first can feel a little confusing. After a while it starts to flow and things start to come together. One of the best parts about this book is that it takes place in Europe. The characters travel a bit so it was great to read about the different places they would go. Some of details in the book reminded me of our time in Germany.
This book kepted me guessing until the last few chapters. I just wasn’t sure what was going to happen or how everything was going to work out. I loved that. Kate is an interesting charcater and we slowly find out more about her as the book goes on. It was interesting that she was a mom of two boys and going through what she did with her former job and questioning those around her.
If you like mysteries or suspenseful novels, you will probably enjoy this one 🙂
It was written by Chris Pavone who wrote the book while he was living in Luxembourg with his family for his wife’s job.
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