Hi guys! I am in California for vacation and wanted to have a few guest posts share with you about where they call home at the moment! If you would like to guest post about your duty station or location, please email me at soldierswifecrazylife (at) gmail (dot) com 🙂
Hello there! My name is Madeline and I blog over at Food, Fitness, and Family. I tend to write about my three favorite things: yummy food, sweaty workouts, and life as a family of three. Beneath the exterior though there is one important aspect of our lives that makes it onto my blog as well: our life as an ARMY family. I am thrilled to be guest posting for Julie today on our amazing duty station of FORT STEWART, GA.
We recently PCSd to Fort Stewart and all I can say is: I’m in LOVE. This is our 3rd duty station. Previously we have been located at Fort Hood, TX and Fort Leonard Wood, MO. While every duty station has its unique set of amazing attributes, Fort Stewart is by fay my favorite so far and here’s why:
For the geographically challenged (like me) Fort Stewart is located in the deep south along the Georgia coastline. It is a mere 45 miles to Savannah, GA which is one of the most beautiful places in the country in my humble opinion. Savannah is known for its deep historical significance, delicious food (Paula Deen’s restaurant is downtown), and family atmosphere.
Forsyth Park, Savannah
In addition to the close proximity of Savannah, the beach is also right there. Furthermore, within driving distance you have the entire east coast. Atlanta, Orlando (DISNEY!!), Hilton Head Island, Charleston, is all within driving distance. While we actually live closer to Savannah than to base it is an easy commute with minimal traffic. After the chaos of Fort Hood it’s a welcome change.
Fort Stewart is a BEAUTIFUL installation that oozes Southern charm. The buildings are gorgeous and coastal.
There is just something unique about living in the Deep South. People are SO friendly and the entire area is incredibly family friendly. The MWR on post hosts a variety of activities for every member of the family. There is a swimming pool, bowling, and Corkan Family Recreation Area to keep you entertained.
Even off-post there is a never-ending supply of activities and festivals for your family to experience. Whether that is the abundance of local farmer’s markets or heading to Tybee Island for kayaking and paddle boarding everyone can find something that they enjoy. For those that like to indulge in retail therapy … there are 2 malls in Savannah, every home store you want, and tons of local boutiques.
I could go on and on about Fort Stewart … I seriously love it here that much! If you’re thinking about moving here or are on orders feel free to shoot me an email at foodfitnessandfamily {at} gmail {dot} com. I would LOVE to chat with you! Thanks again Julie for the opportunity for me to share my love of the south on your blog 🙂
Oh how I envy you!!! Fort Stewart is our FAVORITE!!! We are up in Fort Drum right now and it’s awful LOL… We are actually debating on moving back to the Savannah/Richmond Hill area after my husband ETS’s in September and I graduate from grad school. We miss it daily! Enjoy your time at Ft. Stewart!!
Madeline @ Food Fitness and Family
Thank you!! We love it here too 🙂 We live in Richmond Hill right now and it’s the best!