Home of the Free, Because of the Brave
America, home of the free, because of the brave. This is something we see all over the place. We find this phrase on t-shirts, on banners, and on websites. We say in our Facebook posts, to our family members, and think about what the phrase means when we do.
Home of the Free, Because of the Brave
To me, this reminds us that we are a free society. I can be a Christian, my neighbor can be a Muslim, and we both have rights in this country. We can worship as we like. We don’t have to conform to a state religion. We don’t have to worship anyone we don’t want to worship.
We are free to pursue our happiness, to not be arrested for talking bad about the President, and to be able to speak out against things we don’t agree with. No one will round us up for that.
Home of the Free, Because of the Brave
This means that others have come before us to make sure that we have the freedoms we do. Whether they fought against the English in the 1700s, fought against injustice in the world in the 1940s, or fought against terrorism in the middle east in more recent times.
As a military spouse, I look at my husband and all the others who have come before him. The men and women who are the ones who have helped keep our country free. Those that gave up part of their own life, or all of their own lives for us to be able to live our lives the way that we do.
Home of the Free, Because of the Brave
Being brave isn’t easy. When I think about how brave people in history had to be, it takes my breath away. To stand and fight for a cause and to not know what would happen. To know that they could lose their own lives for that cause and while doing so would make this world a better place, they would not be able to see it happen.
To be brave not only for today but for future generations. To be brave in the face of evil. To give up what others can’t. To stand proud for a country. To stand proud for doing the right thing.
Home of the Free, Because of the Brave
As America looks to the future, I hope that all of us can work toward the best interests of those living in our country. From sea to shining sea I hope that good things come out of any hardships and that those that continue to serve in any way are always respected.
I hope that every year we can remember what we have been through and where we have been. That we can remember those that came before and look to the heroes of the future who will continue to do good for the benefit of our country.
As a military spouse I am thankful to be able to say, Home of the Free, Because of the Brave.
I know this means sacrifice. I know this means more pain for some people. But I know that bravery is never a bad thing and that I am thankful for those who have been brave to help our country.
Whether they signed up for military service, whether they work tirelessly in our local communities, or whether they take a stand for liberty and justice for all in all the different ways than at American can.
Home of the Free, Because of the Brave