15 Memes That Explain What Military Life is Really Like
Military life is a world of its own. From navigating deployments to moving every few years. What better way to explain military life than in a meme.
Here are 15 memes that explain what military life is really like:
Seriously! Some days have you crying in your pillow, that is just the way things go. Luckily, not every day is like that.
The pre-deployment period is never easy. You might end up fighting a lot and not even sure why. Both of you are stressed, and as much as you hate saying so, you are ready for them to go. Only because you want to start your deployment countdown to get them back home.
Sometimes you just have to say the truth, deployments suck.
Don’t feel like you have to be the perfect military spouse. For one thing, they don’t exist. For another, you will burn yourself out trying. Just be yourself as much as possible. It’s okay to ask for help, cry into your pillow, or just rethink the way you are going to get through deployments.
Over time we get more used to saying goodbye for longer periods. They are not always easy, but we do know that saying goodbye for months at a time can be the norm in our military lives.
Wine. It’s what gets you through. Is there ever enough?
Keep the lines of communication as open as you can, even if that means writing letters and emails. You won’t always be able to talk in person or on the phone, but you can still work on your relationship. Military marriage brings up extra stresses that other couples don’t have to deal with, but if you put your marriage first, that will go a long way in helping the two of you stay connected through the miles.
We all need friends, even if it takes us some time to make them.
Keep putting yourself out there, and you will find your tribe.
You never know how strong you are until you have to go through something you didn’t think you could. This is so true for deployments and other parts of military life. We go through things we didn’t think we would ever have to go through. We do it because we love our service member and want to support them as a military spouse.
There is always so much debate about OPSEC in military spouse circles. Should you say this, should you say that? But in the end, just be careful and if you are not sure if you should post about something, lean on the side of not posting it.
We, military spouses, love those 5-minute phone calls because they are better than no phone calls. Although, a 45-minute photo call is even better.
How many times have we been asked for our spouse’s SSN? Do you even still remember yours?
Binge watching is an excellent way to get through those lonely deployment nights. After the kids go to bed, the nights can get quite lonely. Turn on a new show and get to binging.
Saying goodbye is never easy. Here are some tips to help you if you have to say goodbye to your spouse.
One thing that can help you through this crazy military life is knowing that you are not alone. You are not the only one going through a deployment. You are not the only one that has to move away from their hometown to a place across the country. You are not the only one who has to move right when you have found your best friends.
Enjoy these memes and remember, you got this military life!