10 Memes for the Military Spouse With Children
Did you know that April is the month of the military child? A time to reflect on and appreciate our young military “brats” and all they have to deal with. A time to think about how they conquer the battles and disappointments that come with military life. A time to remember all the fun memories you have made with them through the years, simply because one of their parents is a service member.
Here are 10 memes for the military spouse with children. All about raising the next generation through the hurdles of military life:
No matter how the deployment goes, watching your kids run into the arms of your spouse at homecoming will melt your heart!
PCSing can be stressful for the kids too. Remember that and work through their frustrations. Let them know they can depend on you even if the rest of their world is changing around them.
What works for one child might not work for another. Figure out what will help your child through a deployment based on what they need and what will work best for them.
Solo parenting isn’t easy, and it can wear you down. Do what you can to take care of yourself so you can be the best mom or dad you can be for your kids when your spouse is deployed.
Don’t be afraid to get out there and make memories together. You can then share them with the deployed parent.
Cereal for dinner, totally okay!
Yep, you might not even know what country you will be in.
Yes! So true! Mine were born in three different places, including two different countries.
This part of military life sucks. Having to comfort a child that simply doesn’t understand why their mom or dad can’t be there.
What else does a military spouse with children want? A free nanny of course! At least for some of the time. Oh well, we can dream, can’t we???