Happy 2016! It’s the first day a new year. A fresh page. I love the feeling you get when a new year starts and the old one becomes just a bunch of memories.
2015 wasn’t the best year. Not at all. Looking back, it was a strange year. It seemed to go by fast overall but there were a lot of days when it just dragged.
My husband started a new job right before Christmas last year and it was very difficult for all of us. He was not home as much as we needed him to be. This caused a lot of stress and frustration for me. The good news is that last week he started a new job which should be a lot better for us. I am excited to see how 2016 is going to play out and still a little nervous about what his new job is going to be like.
He is still in the National Guard and will be for another 17 months. I think I finally have figured out how monthly drills are supposed to work.
Although I went through a lot of personal stress and frustration in 2015, a lot of good things have been going on with my own work. I started writing for Homefront United and She Knows. I have continued to write for Military Shoppers. I have been working on my blog and social media more than I ever have the last few months and I am so glad I did.
I am still selling Scentsy and will continue to do so. I just can’t seem to stop loving all the new scents and warmers they keep coming out with. I love to help my team and my customers find the right scent for their home.
I also have a few projects I am working on and always trying to learn as much as I can about blogging, working from home and freelancing. I also really want to finish my first novel. I have been writing stories since I was five but I always give up on them. I started writing a new one this summer and I really want to go all the way with it. My problem is finding the time to write after everything else I have to do. But I know I just need to make the time. That is the only thing holding me back.
My boys are doing well overall. I am thankful for that. I have a 4th, 3rd and a preschooler this year. Next fall we will have all three at the same school. It will be the only year that they will all be at the same school and it will be interesting for sure. My “baby” will be going off to Kindergarten and that will be emotional for sure. That change also means that I will be able to add a lot more work time hours to my schedule.
My 3rd grader is my son with Asperger’s. We still have plenty of challenges but this school year has gone really well overall. We honestly have more issues at home which is different than in the past. I am excited to see how the rest of the school year goes and how he will learn and grow as he gets ready for 4th grade in the fall.
We still want to move to California and working towards that goal but I am afraid the move is not going to happen in 2016, which I am okay with. My mother-in-law is coming out to visit us soon. A few weeks after she goes home, my Dad will be coming out and then my mom should hopefully be able to visit in the late spring. I am so thankful they can come out and visit because it is so hard to be away from family and it is our number one reason for wanting to move back.
As I look at the new year ahead I think about all the things I want to do more of. I want to take more photos with my DSLR, I want to focus more on my blogging and my work at home goals, I want to declutter more of my home and make a few changes, I want to make new friends and join another book club.
What about you, my readers??? What are YOU most looking forward to in 2016?
Will you be moving somewhere new? Is your husband coming home from a deployment? Will you be adding a new child to your family? Publishing a book?
Let me know in the comments. I would love to hear from you 🙂
Last Updated on June 24, 2021 by Writer
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