My “baby” is 9, my oldest son, who was just one year old when my husband joined the Army, is 15. Sometimes I can’t even wrap my mind around that. I know it is cliche to say, but where did the time go?
How did we go from diapers to driving lessons? Time moves on and your babies grow up and that’s just how it goes.
There was a time when I had little tiny kids too. As I watch my Mommy friends with the little ones, it takes me back. I can still remember so much about those days. And they really don’t seem like that long ago.
I might be getting my oldest ready to learn how to drive but it wasn’t too long ago that I was the mom with the one and three-year-old. I had two in diapers for far too long. I remember that stage so very well.
Because of my oldest son’s speech delay, I didn’t have a child I could have a conversation with for many many years. I was the mom with the kids at home trying to make it through the day, each and every day, all year long, and sometimes during a deployment.
I remember how difficult it was to do just about anything. Those ages can wear a mama down. There is so much physical work associated with them. And it’s really hard for kids that young to help you in a way that can make things a little easier for you as a mom.

So, to the mamas raising the little tiny kids, know that the difficult stage you are currently in will eventually end and a new one will take its place. Some new stages will be harder, others a little easier.
Know that it is okay to feel tired. It’s ok to feel like this will always be your life. But as a mom of older kids, things will change, I promise.
Your children will enter new phases. You won’t always have diapers to change, sippy cups to refill, and strollers to put in your trunk. You won’t always have to sit through Peppa Pig or Paw Patrol. Your kids will grow out of all of that.
I would tell you to “cherish every moment” but you already know that. You know that this time will pass. Deep down you really do know this.
With every picture you take you are aware of the passing of time. So I won’t tell you to cherish this time. I will tell you it gets easier in a lot of ways.
I know not all moms of older kids feel that way. This is something that might just depend on your experiences but as some who had a pretty difficult time with toddlers, things did get easier as my children have gotten older.
I can tell you that you will feel more and more like yourself as your kids get older. I will also tell you that you will always want the best for them and that you will always worry. I am 41 and I know my mom still worries about me.
But motherhood evolves. It changes as your children change. From one stage to the next.
Keep doing what you are doing. Keep loving your children and helping them each day. You are doing a good job and things should get easier in a few years.
Life is funny. And as your kids get older, your life will change from season to season. So to the mamas raising the little tiny kids, us mamas with the older kids have been there and understand.
So take a deep breath, find ways to take care of you, and enjoy those sweet baby and toddler smiles and giggles. They are what you will remember the most as time moves on and your babies get older. And what makes the stage your in so wonderful no matter how difficult it might be.