25 Reasons To Go Home For a Deployment
Deployment is coming. What do you do? Do you stay in your current home, solo parenting and making the best of your situations or do you pack it all up, go back home and get through the months away in a familiar space?
I went home for three months of a deployment, and it was one of the best things I ever could have done. I am not sure I would ever go home for that length of time again, my kids are older now, but for that deployment, it was the right choice.
Here are 25 reasons to go home for a deployment:
- Because you hate your duty station
Let’s face it, if you can’t stand your duty station, going home for a deployment might work out in your favor. Getting a break from a place you don’t want to be can be a good idea. Even just going home for a few months can help you come back, ready to start over at the place you will still need to call home.
- Because you hate your living situation at your duty station
You might love where you live just not your physical home. Your apartment could be way too small, you might hate your on post neighborhood, or just can’t stand your current living situation.
- Because you just had a baby
After having a baby, having an extra set of hands during a deployment is going to be a good thing.
- Because your family is helpful
If your family is helpful, going home will be a good thing. They will help you find a place to stay and be there for you when you need them.
- Because your best friend still lives there
When your best friend still lives in your home town, spending time with her can be a perfect thing during a deployment. She might not fully understand military life, but she will be the listening ear that you need.
- Because it snows too much at your duty station
If you are not used to snow, driving in the snow, and living in the snow, being at a place where it snows can be quite difficult. Why not head for warmer temps if that is the case?
- Because you miss the beach
There is something about the beach, especially if you grew up with it in your backyard. Being close to the ocean water can be quite therapeutic.
- Because you want your kids to know your family
What better way for your children to get to know your family than living right there with them.
- Because you want to show your kids what life was like when you were growing up
When I went home for those three months, I was able to do a lot of the things I did growing up with my own children. That was a fun summer and one I will never forget.
- Because you don’t want to be around the military 24/7
Sometimes we just want a big old break from the military. Going home for a deployment is a way to do it.
- Because you want to visit, but you would rather just stay for a while
Visiting can be good, but staying a while can make the visit even better.
- Because it is hard for anyone to come visit you
When no one can visit you, whether that is for health or financial reasons, going to them might be the only way to spend time together.
- Because your kids haven’t started school
If your children are not school aged yet, going home makes more sense than if they are. This might be the only time to go home for a deployment.
- Because you homeschool and you can
If you homeschool, going home for a few months won’t mess up the school year like it would if they attended school outside the house. Take advantage of this.
- Because you want to experience something different
Home might be totally different than your current duty station. That might be just what you want for this deployment.
- Because you want to always have help with the kids
Going home can mean having quite a few people to babysit your kids. People you love, people you trust, and people who love your children.
- Because your family misses you
When you are the branch of the family tree who lives far away, people tend to miss you. Going home for a deployment can help with this.
- Because you can save money
Look at your financial situation, will going home save you money?
- Because you can go to school easier
If you want to go back to school, moving home could make that easier.
- Because you want to help your family
Your own family might need help from you. Going home for a few months can be a way to help out when you otherwise would not be able to.
- Because your mom is a good cook and you are not
When you are missing her home cooking, having it often during a deployment isn’t going to hurt.
- Because you know your kids would love it
If you know your kids would enjoy your time back home, it could be something to seriously think about.
- Because you will be PCSing right after he gets back
For some, going home make sense since you will be PCSing when they get home from the deployment.
- Because you suffer from anxiety
Suffering from anxiety during a deployment can make things more difficult. Going home can help with that.
- Because your duty station never felt like home
Sadly, no matter how hard you try, your duty station might never have clicked with you. And going home for the deployment will be your best bet.
When trying to make this decision, remember that going home for a deployment completely depends on you, your family, and your situation. What works for one person might not work for another.
I hope this list will get you thinking about whether it is the right option for you or not.