When You See A Child Throwing A Fit
The other day there was a video being posted online about a boy throwing a tantrum in the car. Although I thought it was a little odd that they were filming and not pulling the car over, I felt sympathy for the kind of fit the kid was having.
It was the kind of fit I am familiar with.
It was just like an autistic fit.
Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe the kid had no behavioral issues and was just acting like that to get his way. But maybe not.
But the thing that really struck me was the comments people were making about the kid. About if he were their son his “butt would be beat” or how their own child never would have been allowed to act that way. It gave me insight into what people could be thinking if I was out in public when my son was having a similar fit.
But it also made me feel like people just don’t get it. That they don’t understand what it is like to have a child like that.
I know for me that anytime I am anywhere and see a child with a similar fit my thoughts immediately think there is some type of special needs going on. That is based on my own experiences and what I have had to deal with.
I know that others don’t think that way and have their own opinions about the subject.
As a special needs mom I have learned to ignore a lot about what people say concerning my child. There is ignorance out there and there is acceptance. I try to surround myself with people who get it and who are not going to judge.
I really do wish that instead of assuming a child needs harsher discipline that people would take a step back and remember that most moms are doing their best and there are certain issues that some children have that cause them to act in certain ways.
That although it might not seem like it, that child could be improving. That they used to throw 5 fits a day and now they are down to 3.
That the mom was up all night because the same child doesn’t sleep and gave in when she really probably shouldn’t have. Because that happens sometimes.
That the day was going really well until something small set the child off and their parents are still learning how to handle what is happening to their son.
That the parents are still trying to wrap their minds around a diagnosis that they never saw coming.
That the fit you see is not quite as loud and harsh as it used to be and that the parents are thankful for that.
That the parents are working with professionals about how to figure out what to do next with their child.
There are so many reasons why that child is throwing a fit at the moment. You just never know what someone else could be dealing with. Give them the benefit of the doubt, offer help if it makes sense to and just be a bigger person then one that assumes they know what is best for someone else’s child.
All of us special needs moms will with thank you for it.