TRICARE changes are coming in 2025. Are you ready?
TRICARE is the healthcare program of the American military. And in 2025, TRICARE is making some significant changes that could affect you.
TRICARE in the US is divided into regions based on where you live. You will be in either TRICARE West or TRICARE East. This is where there are changes.
#1 Since each region has its own contractor, TriWest Healthcare Alliance will replace Health Net Federal Services, LLC in TRICARE West. Humana Military will stay the contractor in TRICARE East.
#2 Six states will be changing to TRICARE West. Those states are Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin. If you are in any of those states, you will be moving from TRICARE East to TRICARE West.
The new contracts should begin January 1st, 2025.
What should you do to get ready for the TRICARE changes?
- Make sure your information is updated in DEERS,
- If you are in TRICARE West and make payments, make sure you update them to TriWest before or during Open Season.
- If you are in any of the changing states, you will also need to make sure to change your payments to TriWest.
- Make sure your providers are in-network for 2025.
Remember, too, that TRICARE’s Open Season is November 11th through December 10th, 2024. You can also visit the TRICARE website for more information on these changes or TRICARE information in general.
As a military spouse, it is always important to know your military benefits, including TRICARE. Know what type of TRICARE you have, what region you are in, and how much you may need to pay each month. TRICARE may cover certain items you are not aware of or may make changes that you need to know about. Be informed!

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