I am so glad I have this garden while my husband is away. It makes life a little nicer around here.
As the days go on I am learning new things. I learned that if I want to grow corn, I have to plant a lot of it. I learned that there are some crazy bugs out there. I learned that different plants grow in different ways. I am also learning what I really want to grow and what I don’t.
I am glad to have a little helper with me most of the time. Isn’t he cute?
My first Marigold that I planted from seed. I think I love Marigolds. I bought some for the front yard and my son brought some home from school for Mother’s Day.
Cherry tomato plant!
My green beans getting bigger everyday.
The carrots are getting bigger too. Well this first batch that I planted. The other bed has some but they were planted later so not as big.
My pepper plant has a flower!
My Cosmos, I love these!
My Sugar Snap Peas. I am so so glad I grew these. I really wasn’t totally sure what I was doing but I filled two of my squares will them and they grew well. Next year I will plant more than two!
My first two tomatoes. I am so excited! The boys and I loved watching them turn from green, to light yellow, to orange and then to red. I cut them up for tacos.
Our first Sunflower. We went a little sunflower happy here so in a few weeks we will probably have a ton of them!
I think I slowed down in my desire to plant things. Now I am more tending them. This morning I woke up to find my jalapeno plant pulled up 🙁 I also saw that one of my cucumber plants was also messed with. Not sure what animal did this but thinking either bunnies or squirrels or even birds.
Dawn Romine
Just visited your site and really like it, it’s fun, friendly and interesting. Here in Nebraska all we’re getting in our garden is lettuce and radishes now. Tomatoes are just now blooming, so I’m a little jealous. Catch you over at Twitter @3Quarters2Day
Divorce in Essex
This is very nice post, I can only plant my vegetable garden near a black walnut tree. Something in the tree make-up prevents certain plants from growing. Which ones do better than others. Thanks for sharing the useful information.
Those tomatos are awesome!