Top Five Tips For Increasing Milk Production
This is a sponsored post by the Breastfeeding Shop.
Breastfeeding was something I knew I always wanted to do with my babies. However, getting started with breastfeeding wasn’t easy for me, especially with my oldest son. I had a lot of concerns about if he was getting enough of my milk. If only I could go back in time, I would have made things a little easier for myself through the process.
There are things you can do as a new mom to help increase your milk supply. This helps the breastfeeding relationship as well as making sure your baby is getting all the nutrition they need.
1. Nurse your baby often
Make sure you are nursing your baby often. Breast milk is digested quickly and the more you nurse, the more milk you will make. Feeding on-demand vs a rigid schedule is the best way to go. That way you are meeting your baby’s needs as much as you can. If your baby is going through a growth spurt, they will want to nurse even more, and that is okay too.
2. Double check your latch
Sometimes our milk supply issues are due to a bad latch. When your baby is not latching on the breast correctly, they are not getting all of the milk that they should. If you have a question about your latch, you should go and see a lactation consultant. They will be able to check on your latch or help you with other breastfeeding questions.
3. Drink water, eat healthy foods
When you are nursing you want to make sure you are drinking enough water, as well as eating a healthy diet. Doing both of those things will help your milk production if you are struggling. Keep a water bottle within reach when you are nursing or pumping and try to have a lot of healthy snacks available for you as you go about your day.
4. Use your breast pump
Pumping in between feeding sessions can help with your milk supply. While you are pumping, you will be making more milk, and that will increase how much milk you should be making. Make sure that you have taken advantage of your TRICARE benefit regarding breast pumps. You are eligible for one breast pump for every birth event. Head over to The Breastfeeding Shop to find your breast pump and start the process. They make ordering your breast pump pretty easy too.
5. Get enough rest
While this is much easier said than done, especially with a newborn, make sure you are getting as much rest as you can. Say no to unnecessary commitments while you are trying to build up your milk supply. See if you can hire a babysitter for your older kids and if your spouse is home, make sure they are helping you with everything that needs to get done. Try to sleep when you can and take the time to rest as much as possible.
Interested in more information about your TRICARE benefit breast pump and The Breastfeeding Shop? Check out these blog posts too:
The Easy Way To Order Your No Cost Breast Pump
How to Decide What Breast Pump is The Best One For You And Your Baby
FAQs About Your TRICARE Benefit Breast Pump Through The Breastfeeding Shop