Your spouse left a few months ago and you are not even halfway through this deployment. You told yourself before he left that you were going to rock this deployment. But here you are, struggling, trying to get through.
I have totally been there myself. I have had days where I just wasn’t sure how I was going to make it through the end of the month without completely breaking down. I would have to stop and remind myself that I could get through this deployment, that I could handle the time apart. That I could get through this challenge.
Some memes are pretty funny, they make you laugh and can help you feel like you got this. Other memes are more serious, but they hit you hard and can help you not feel as alone as you might feel during your deployment.
Here are 16 memes for when you are struggling through a deployment. Hopefully, they can help you during this part of your military spouse journey.
You don’t have to follow every single piece of deployment advice you hear. Some of the tips might not work for you and your family. That’s okay 🙂
Staying busy and making friends is really going to go a long way in helping you through a deployment.
Yes, some days will definitely be one hour. That’s okay!
Sometimes you just have to think of the positives. Like the remote. If he is gone, it’s all yours. Unless your kids steal it.
Yes! We are military spouses! And we stand by and support the members of our military. That isn’t always easy to go but we love them, so we do it.
Remember, no matter how badly you might be feeling or how hard you are struggling, there are always things you can do to get to a better place.
The weather during a deployment can really mess with you! Whether it is a snowstorm, hurricane, or endless tornado warnings. Try to prepare yourself before the weather comes, and they will be easier to deal with.
Daydreaming about homecoming always put me in a better mood during a deployment. Homecoming gave me hope.
Wine and chocolate 🙂
Yep, that first month and that last month will take the longest! That’s a fact!
Sometimes thinking about what you have been through in the past can help you focus on the future.
Just, just keep going. You got this!
Some days are going to be better than others. Remember, each day is a brand new day and anything can happen. Try not to get stuck on the bad days.
Yes! Get out there and try something new. See what happens. You might find a new hobby or make a new friend.
Those phone calls are the best 🙂
I know it can be hard to believe sometimes, but each deployment will make you stronger. You will find ways to make it through and will find yourself at the end.
What is your best tip for surviving a deployment???
Last Updated on August 20, 2019 by Writer
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