When you miss them, your heart can feel like it will never be the same.
When you miss them, you feel that deployment ache, and know that no matter what, a part of that ache will be there until they return home.
When you miss them, you have to find ways to make it through, to live your life, even with your hurting heart.
As a military spouse, deployments will come. There is nothing we can really do about that. Some deployments will come more often than others, there will definitely be seasons, and you will figure out how to navigate them the best way you know how.
When you miss them, you figure out who your true friends are, and help each other through.
When you miss them, you figure out what works for your family during a deployment, and what doesn’t.
When you miss them, you find a deeper love, that you might have missed had they never gone away.
As any seasoned military spouse knows, each deployment can be so different. Each deployment can come with its own challenges. And just because you have been through a deployment before it doesn’t mean you know what is ahead or what the next deployment will be like.
When you miss them, your heart skips a beat when you see them come online for a quick chat.
When you miss them, it can be difficult to see other couples, but you try to keep in mind that yours will be home with you soon.
When you miss them, you remember all the time they were home and promise yourself you will never take that time for granted again.
Any marriage is going to go through challenges. For the military spouse, these challenges can seem huge when their spouse is literally living on the other side of the world. Keep in mind that deployments are temporary and do what you can to stay connected over the miles.
When you miss them, each day down is another day closer to their return.
When you miss them, each day down means you are getting through the deployment, one day at a time.
When you miss them, you will figure out how to deal with the time they are away, and make it to the finish line.
When you first start a deployment, you will probably start missing your spouse as soon as you say goodbye. This is normal. You will feel like everything has changed, and it has. You will wonder how you will get through this time apart.
But, somehow you will be able to do just that. You will be able to take your deployment and get through it day by day. You will always miss them, that won’t go away, but you will find ways to cope with the distance until they return.
Last Updated on August 20, 2019 by Writer