Hi there! I am Julie and Soldier’s Wife, Crazy Life is my blog.
I started this military spouse blog back in 2009 when we lived in Germany. The blog has grown and I love having my own space on the internet. You will find a few different types of posts on my blog. I write about military life topics, deployments, pcsing, and military life in general.
I have been married for 22 years and have three boys. We have lived in California, Kentucky, Germany, and now Tennessee. In June of 2014, my husband went from Active Duty Army to the Army National Guard. He is now retired from the military.
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My readers are mostly women between the ages of 18 and 45. A lot of my readers are affiliated with the Military in some form. Most of my readers do have children and live in the United States or overseas with the Military.
As of July 2024, I have a combined social media audience of 65,000+
Once again, you can contact me at soldierswifecrazylife@gmail.com.