It was fall of 2009 and we were almost at the end of our 2nd deployment. I was in Germany with an almost three-year old and a five-year old.
I was stressed out and ready for my husband to get back home. I didn’t know too many other Army wives at the time. Only a handful I had met over the few years in Germany. I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt tired and worn down from deployments with no real end in sight.
had tried starting a similar blog before but I didn’t really do much with it. I also had a blog for just friends and family that I started when I was pregnant with my oldest. Now that Facebook was getting more and more popular, I didn’t think I needed a blog to update friends and family anymore.
So when I decided to make this new blog, I wanted it to be different. I wanted to share my stories and connect with other Military spouses. I had no idea how big the Milspouse blogging community was.
I found myself on Twitter and met a few other spouses and started visiting their blogs.
Within a few months I had several followers and I loved where my blog was going.
It’s been almost five years since that time. My blog has changed names, remember when I was Julie the Army wife? We have been through two more deployments, we left Germany and my husband got out of active duty and is now in the National Guard. We even had another baby.
Looking back over the changes in my life I am so glad I blogged through all of them. I can look back and read about it and remember those times.
When it comes to why I still blog, it is because I enjoy having a place to express myself. I also hope my readers can relate to what I am talking about whether it is something about having children or something about a deployment or a new book I read.
At this point I am not sure what the next three years will look like Military wise. Most likely we won’t be going through any deployments. Because we still live near Ft. Campbell, we still have a lot of Military in our lives. From the Commissary to the people I meet and hang out with. It will be interesting to see how my blog changes during these post Active duty years.