How You Know You Are a Military Spouse
Here is how you know you are a military spouse…
When you have no idea when you will see your spouse again, it could be May; it could be September, who knows?
When you have no idea what your spouse’s co-worker’s first names are.
When you are up for any adventure, even though it scares you to death.
When you always have two IDs on you, military and your driver’s license.
When your driver’s license is not for the state you live in, and your license plate doesn’t match either.
When a two-week training is a fun time to catch up on Call the Midwife and not a big deal compared to all the other times you have had to be apart.
When your grocery shopping plans are based on the 1st and the 15th and if you feel brave enough to go to the commissary on those days.
When you only write dates down in your planner in pencil, because you know they will always change.
When you laugh at the thought of going out to dinner with you friends and putting your phones away. That would never work in your military spouse circles.
When you get excited to find out a friend from two duty stations ago is moving to your current installation.
When you can’t bring up the FRG without hearing about how wonderful it can be and how horrible it can be, by different people.
When the “sandbox” has nothing to do with the place your kids play when you are at the park.
When 21:00 or 14:30 is not confusing to you.
When you know that saying goodbye won’t ever get any easier.
When you have curtains that won’t fit on any of your windows, but you can’t get rid of them because you are moving next summer, and they could work in your new home.
When your future depends on one person signing a piece of paperwork in a timely manner.
When you say, “see you later” even if you worry you might not see that person again. Saying, “goodbye” would be harder.
When you have given birth without your husband at least once or have ever had the worry that you might have to do so.
When you love wine, coffee, and diet Dr. Pepper, or at least two of the three.
When your life is very different than you ever thought it would be.
When you have been asked at least once if your life is like they show on Army Wives.
When none of your children have been born in the same state.
When none of your children have been born in the same country.
When “war” means so much more than just what you read about in the history books.
When the thought of giving up Facebook makes you cringe since most of your family and friends do not live near you.
When you don’t know what it is like to live near your family.
When you know the difference between MWR, DEERS, and PCS.
When you are super thankful for any military discount a company is willing to give out.
When you realize you are a part of an incredible group of people, who also understand what it is like to miss someone so much, to give up so much, and to be the people who support those that have volunteered to serve our country and keep it safe.
[…] compassionate to the military spouse that is having a more difficult time. Understand that everyone handles deployments differently. […]