Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, no one was stirring, except one military spouse.
She knew what tonight was but wasn’t feeling the cheer; her husband of 12 years was simply not here.
He was serving his country on deployment #4; she simply couldn’t wait until April, when he would walk through the door.
Her kids were in bed, excited for the morning; they didn’t want to go despite her stern warning.

She looked at a picture taken last year when he was home beside her, and she didn’t have much to fear.
But this year was different, and he was far away, but she still wanted to try to have a wonderful Christmas day.
She put on some music, and finished her last chore, she loved her sweet family, down to the core.
Christmas was special and a time to love, and she would get through this deployment, with help from above.

Her husband was deployed, and that made her sad, but thinking of her children Christmas morning made her heart very glad.
She turned out the
As hard as it was, she found her inner strength; she could handle this deployment, no matter the length.
Solo parenting was hard, and she hated missing him, but she knew in the end, it wasn’t so grim.

She had her friends and her children by her side and would take this deployment day by day, even if she sometimes cried.
Because one day in April, would be homecoming day, and she would load up her children in her van, not a sleigh.
And they would head to the gym, where they would need to wait, with the other spouses and children on this very important date.
As a military spouse, we can spend Christmas alone, but we do what we can to warm up our home.
She would spot him right away, standing in the crowd, and when it was time they would run to him
So if you are a military spouse, with your love far away, I want you to know you will get through Christmas Day.
It might not be exactly like before, but Christmas has magic you just can’t ignore.
Merry Christmas to all and know that it’s true, you got this military spouse, you absolutely do.
[…] changed Christmas morning to December 19th. And it worked out perfectly. We told the boys that Santa was going to come early […]