Well…it’s time. This will be my last post from our home here in Germany. Our internet is being turned off tomorrow. I have a Kindle I can post from so I will try to blog again soon but not totally sure about when.
Tomorrow I say goodbye to all my friends 🙁 That will be hard.
Then it will be time to leave. Pray for us on our long journey. It is going to take forever to get there. But then we will be in America again and I will be super happy 🙂
I think the boys pretty much know what is going on. They seem pretty ok about it all so far but we will see. Usually when a big change happens they just can’t sleep well. They are excited about going on an airplane but I think they think we are going to end up at Grandma’s or Disneyland.
Our family is officially closing the Germany chapter of our lives…and what a weird feeling that is.